Professional Development

PD workshops certified by Florida Atlantic University

BalancED’s partnership with FAU, department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology, facilitated the establishment of a Teacher Training Professional Development Center to offer a joint certificate to school educators that complete the program from around the Middle East. Our programs cover a wide range of teachers’ professional development needs and skills.

Management of Active Learning:

This module advances the principles of Understanding by Design as a curricular framework. It underscores that understanding and transfer as learning outcomes are best achieved through active, rather than passive learning and highlights classroom management and the role of the teacher as a facilitator of active learning.

Differentiated Instruction:

This module emerges from the assumption that all learners are unique and that a learning community will consist of a diverse range of learners whose needs must be accommodated in curricular and instructional decision making.

It is based on the value of equity rather than equality where individualization is privileged over standardization.

The module is grounded in extant literature on principles of adult learning, differentiated instruction, learning styles and critical reflections on these topics. Differentiation of content, process, product and learning environment are also highlighted.

Design Components of Curriculum:

This professional learning plan covers the curriculum design process known as backwards design or understanding by Design (UbD). This curriculum design is applicable for students of all ages and grade levels. Participants can and should individualize the learning based on their own experience and school site.

There are three stages of backwards design: Desired Results, Evidence, and Learning.

Over the course of this unit, the following objectives will be met by participants:

– Understand that UbD is a research-based curriculum-planning framework that focuses on the importance of understanding and transfer.

– Use the UbD template to learn the three-stage design process and how to align unit goals, assessments, and an instructional plan.

– Understand that each goal in a UbD unit has implications for assessment and instruction.

– Write essential questions that reflect key inquiries.

– Develop assessments and related rubrics for created goals that work from the six-facets of understanding.

– Develop unit plan, yearly plan, curriculum MAP as well as scope and sequence.

Classroom Instructional and Assessment Strategies:

This professional learning plan covers concepts of assessment and evaluation and helps educators understand assessment as an integral element of curriculum design which drives many instructional decisions. Also develop a repertoire of assessment and instructional strategies for preK-12 context.

Over the course of this unit, the following objectives will be met by participants:

– Differentiate between Assessment & Evaluation.

– Differentiate between formative and summative assessment of students’ learning.

– Provide, Identify, and compare between different types of feedback.

Data Analysis:

This professional learning plan focuses on data informed leadership and helps educators understand and apply data intersection and making data-informed decisions at the classroom and school level within the larger scope of school improvement.

The purpose of this workshop is to analyze data in order to improve their performance. Collecting and analyzing data supports teacher inquiry. Teachers can gather data to identify at-risk students, inform your inquiry, and quantify the impact your interventions are having on student learning

Supervision and Coaching:

This module is an evidence-based overview of instructional supervision that describes the central role of the classroom teacher in promoting student learning and engagement.

It also provides a practical approach to observing and coaching classroom teachers so that they become skilled and reflective practitioners who make a measurable difference in student learning.

Classroom Management:

This PD will address those practical aspects of managing a classroom, with suggestions and resources.

Participants will learn how to improve student engagement and build a positive climate for learning through constructive classroom management techniques.

Empowering and connecting teachers with innovative solutions and resources to improve their classroom management techniques is the goal of this session.

Teaching English for Speakers of Other Language – TESOL:

This module is designed for current or prospective teachers and administrators who have little or no formal training in English as a language of instruction.

It encompasses teaching English as a foreign language through two courses:

1. Planning and Language Objectives

This workshop is designed to provide participants with the necessary steps and strategies to independently design lesson plans that target the following:

2. Pronunciation and Academic Language

This workshop is designed to provide participants with the knowledge of pronunciation rules and the necessary strategies that serve in the following areas:

A. Intonation Rules
B. Rhythm and Stress Patterns
C. Consonant Articulation, Clusters, and Blends
D. Vowel Articulation

Early Childhood Learning Environment:

Early childhood generally refers to the period from birth through age 6. The emotional, social, cognitive, and physical development of young children has a direct effect on their overall development. That is why understanding the need to invest in very young children is so important so as to maximize their future well-being.

There is a strong connection between the development a child undergoes early in life and the level of success that the child will experience later in life. This session will discuss the importance of providing a rich and active environment for children in their early years in order to create an independent, creative and enthusiastic learner for a lifetime

Educational Leadership:

Educational Leadership is a very interactive workshop with its primary objective to enhance the knowledge and skills of the participants who can differentiate between management and leadership. Practical and hands-on activity sessions help the candidates to become aware of the varied roles of a leader to build school culture that is useful in today’s educational institutions.

The workshop focuses on stages to improve participants’ problem solving, decision making, and leading the change skills.

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English Proficiency Courses Certified by Indiana University

BalancED, in cooperation with The International Center for Intercultural Communication (ICIC), provides English Proficiency Courses certified by Indiana University, IU, USA, with the purpose of developing and improving the English language proficiency for the Egyptian teachers and students.

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PD workshops certified by Balanced Education Company

The main goal of Balanced Education Company is to bridge the gap between teachers in the Middle East and the content they need to improve and develop.

Virtual Online Teaching (VOLT):

This course provides best practices for online instruction, student engagement and virtual community building. It will help you evaluate and implement technology in the most useful way within your virtual classroom setting.

Positive Discipline:

This workshop introduces teachers to theoretical frameworks relevant to behavior management and positive discipline which can help minimize behavior problems that may arise in class.

Modern Technology in Education, the New Approach:

This workshop addresses how teachers can implement and integrate technology in their instruction. It will discuss the different sources of technology available for students along with many strategies and methods used with children to develop their learning skills and abilities. These methods make children enjoy learning by engaging and interacting in diverse class activities.

A Problem- Solving Approach: Supporting Students with Learning Difficulties:

For children with learning difficulties, too many barriers can stand in the way of their right for education and support. This session will demonstrate how to support children with Learning Difficulties in order to help you “the teacher” help them “the student” to succeed.

School Evaluation:

This workshop helps administrators understand the characteristics of student’s centered classroom, requirements and how to achieve that. Also, it provides lead teachers, head of departments, and administrators with tools to observe classes, evaluate teachers, and work on strengths and weaknesses to improve teachers’ and students’ performance.

Student-Centered Learning:

No one can deny that children who “do” will understand more than children who “don’t do“. In this workshop, we will see how student-centered learning shifts the focus from the traditionally instructional teacher-centered environment to the student, facilitating the way for active-learning, problem solving, creative thinking, cooperative learning and decision making to take place.
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1. Teacher Certification

a. Management of Active Learning
b. Differentiated Instruction
c. Classroom Instructional and Assessment Strategies
d. Classroom Management
e. Curriculum Design
f. Modern Technology in Education, the New Approach – Edu Tech

2. KG Teacher Certification

a. Early Childhood Learning Environment
b. Positive Discipline
c. Student-Centered Learning
d. Active Learning
e. Differentiated Instruction

3. Educational Leadership Certification

a. Management and Leadership
b. School Evaluation
c. Supervision and Coaching
d. Design Components of Curriculum
e. Data Analysis